Automobile Lemon Law

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 | | |

Automobile Lemon laws exist in all ste the USA. Lemon laws protect consumers against the occasions that cars do not meet set standards of performance, "lemons." The rights of protection against the laws of lemon May go beyond guarantees of automobile purchase.

Lemon laws allow a buyer to return a car which is clearly flawed. Strict criteria requires car manufacturers to resume a car if it proves to be a lemon, it is always self fails during the warranty period, the concessionaire is unable to fix the car, and / Or the car is proven to be a safety hazard.

Some states' Lemon laws allow a solution to be proposed by the manufacturer. If a new vehicle is given as a replacement vehicle for the lemon, then it must be new, and we run as good as the original. There are times when the installation of a new vehicle, the lemon law suggests a refund money will the consumer in the same financial situation, he or she was before purchase.

If a problem with a car is serious enough, a car owner should contact their state Attorney General's office to find details on the state lemon laws.